Tuesday, July 10, 2012

What Is A Growth Hormone – A Brief Overview

Human body is a complex system, it secrets many different hormones for different functions. Each and every hormone is important for the proper functioning of body. Growth hormone is one of the many hormones which body secretes for itself. It is really important to understand the nature and functions of this hormone. Let’s try to know that what is a growth hormone

All hormones are protein in nature, so growth hormones are also protein, which consist of 190 amino acids. There are special cells called as “Somatotrophs”, which secret these hormones. There is pituitary gland in human brain and somatotrophs are part of this pituitary gland. These cells not just synthesize growth hormone but store and secrete them in the body.  Interior pituitary gland secrets these hormone and they play a very important role in human body. The basic areas which are affected by human growth hormones are growth and metabolism. 

What is a growth hormone is not a new question. The scientists tried hard to know that what is the basic factor which effects human growth, and after many years of researches, they concluded that growth hormones are the key factors in human growth. In some cases when human body fails to produce these hormones, they are injected in the body. Recombinant DNA technology is the latest technology, which help us to produce growth hormones. These artificial growth hormones are used as drug to treat growth disorders in young children. Not just the children, but adults can also be treated with these hormones when they have deficiency of growth hormones.
Human growth hormone is considered as complex hormone and many functions of this hormone are still unknown. I hope now it is bit clear that what is growth hormone. Many books are available on the topic, if you want to read more.

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